Conference Hotel Options


We have made block reservations at preferential rates for CRF delegates at the following hotels:


Holiday Inn Skopje – (* conference main venue)


  1.  Fill in the Check In and Check Out  date (available dates for hotel booking for this event is from April 5th until April 13th 2019).
  2. Fill the additional options: Number of Adults, Children, Rooms. Leave the Rate Preference as it is Best Available. Leave Corporate ID and IATA# fields empty. The Group code for this event is ACG and You should put this in the field Group Code.
  3. Click on the Check Availability button.
  4. Choose the type of room and click on the Select Room.

Skopje Marriott Hotel

Hotel Solun Skopje

Hotel Ibis Skopje


Macedonia Square-Skopje

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